bl-hhs mini

Article Index: BL336


  • H  igh Floodwater Door
  • H  orizontal
  • S  wivel

The flood door is designed for both, new buildings and facilities and it is suitable for retrofitting.

The system is compromised of a:

  • a very robust and durable door leaf, supported by a heavy duty frame
  • a peripheral to the free opening stainless steel frame construction, with a durable and adaptable UV-protected seal.

The door leaf is mounted on hinges. It easily closes and locks through a 3-point lever. The lever is mounted on the door.

Operation, opening and closing, is similar to a standard doors.

When closing the flood door, it presses against the frame gasket, whereby a seal is ensured. Regardless of side mounted, the systems can accommodate water pressure from both sides.

Frame material:

  • Standard 1.4301
  • Special design S235JR galvanized and powder coated

Door leaf material:

  • Aluminum standard
  • Special design Aluminum, powder coated to RAL spec. in RAL spec.

Floor angle standard height: 140mm
Floor angle minimal height: 100mm

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